I Am An American Ninja Warrior (wannabe)

I love watching American Ninja Warriors. I have enjoyed it long before it became mainstream. There is something about an obstacle course that gets my attention and causes me to see possibility. Good athletes always make a sport look effortless or at the least doable to those of us that have never done it. I secretly think I could shimy across the Bungee Bridge or any other bridge-like obstacle. I realize that anything requiring hanging or climbing would have to be worked out on the Monkey Bars at my local playground. If they could lower the 14+ foot Warped Wall to about 4 feet I would be willing to give it a try. Wouldn’t everyone?

Life can feel like one big obstacle course. This week feels like I have Twilight Zoned myself right into a test of strength, speed and agility with a side of sharing. Only lately, I feel like sitting down mid-course. Not quite giving up. Just having some quiet time to gracefully dismount instead of crashing into the water.

American Ninja Warriors are ordinary people doing extraordinary things. What we miss is how many times they hit the water. Everyone I know faces obstacles. Obstacles come in many shapes and there is no end to what can throw us off course. To make life look effortless isn’t something that comes without training. How we have trained for obstacles often determines how we handle them. What we have stored inside us surfaces to help us face the challenge in failure or victory.

My mind recalls the words I memorized years ago from an old Beth Moore bible study. I believe God is who He says He is. I believe God can do what He says He’s going to do. I believe I am who God says I am. My training isn’t without but within. Even if I sit down mid-course focused on my failure my heart knows. It isn’t my strength, speed or agility that will help me reach the buzzer. It is believing God.

In Faith, Deanna

12 thoughts on “I Am An American Ninja Warrior (wannabe)

  1. I can see the Warrior in you, Deanna and in the wonder of your writing. May this Warrior spirit continue to support you along with your faith and God’s love.

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  2. Deanna thank you so much for sharing your words. You are so strong and it is such a blessing to witness your faith and perseverance. You arent a wannabe, you are Gods American Ninja Warrior!

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  3. You are such a great writer! This is another beautifully written entry to your blog! Your faith shines through. I’m praying for you in this test you are facing. You encourage me as I watch you. Thanks for being such a good example to me and all those around you!

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