Bad Advise


My sewing machine died this week. I have had her since the eighties and I wasn’t her first owner. Sewing is one of those things that many of my friends don’t realize I do. Mostly because I don’t do it often and I am not very good at it. When I have down time my brain starts dreaming up things to make and I currently seem to be focused on fabric. So out comes my seldom used sewing machine. After about a week of sewing I needed to make a bobbin and the clutch would not release. This lead me straight to the internet and long story short (smile) I broke my machine. I think I got bad advise. The sewing machine repair guy also thinks I got bad advise. Well, it wouldn’t be the first time. I hate when it happens, especially when I am suffering the consequences of said advice. The internet is a bevy of information to wade through. The problem is disernment. Bad advise often makes sense or looks really appealing. But it is still bad. I have learned that knowledge is power and I just need to be careful where my knowledge comes from.

In dealing with my health I have been overloaded with information. I have pursued several options and my path has not been quick, clear or straight. I recently decided to simply wait before I proceed with any treatment for my cancer. The cancer is not in a good place to remove surgicially and Thyroid cancer is usually slow growing. It seems that God has me in a place of waiting. An action that I am getting better at. As I wait I am asking God to take away my cancer. I am taking care of the health that I have and being content in my circumstances. I researched a few sewing machines online but just couldn’t commit to a new one. A friend advised me to borrow instead of buying and I am currently trying my mom’s sewing machine. Borrowing was good advise.

In faith, Deanna

6 thoughts on “Bad Advise

  1. Happy you can use your mom’s sewing machine and can keep on stitching! Proud of you for working on waiting as your plan. Prayers for improvement and eventually a cure for that cancer! Looking forward to hearing about your sewing project!

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  2. I’m also praying that God heals you during this waiting time. I found this scripture encouraging and wanted to share. Lamentations 3:25-26 “The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it’s good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.” Exactly what you’re doing. Ive shared some of your blogs with Paul and his response was, “She’s a great writer!” A little more encouragement. With ❤, Lisa

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